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numoon circles

workshops & retreats

energize your femininity

What does being a woman 
mean to you?

Do you want to broaden your horizon? Are you interested in new perspectives? Are you looking for inspiration and a way to connect with yourself and other women?

The numoon circles and retreats are offers...

Whenever women are able to focus on what unites them, instead of dwelling on what differentiates them - sisterhood emerges. And with it, a power that is game-changing for each individual, as well as the group.

for women who want to learn to appreciate their femininity, to understand themselves better, and to fully utilize and contribute their own qualities.

We come together to reflect in each other and develop together. Because encountering each woman tells us something about ourselves.

The more diverse the collective, the richer the potential. Together we can move worlds.

numoon invites all women to pay close attention to their essence, femininity, to respect and strengthen it, thereby co-creating a new female consciousness.


numoon circles
for private women's circles

I offer the following workshops optionally in German or English. They are feasible both live and online. If you are interested and form a group of at least 8 participants with friends or colleagues, please contact me by email.


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Eva aus Zürich.jpeg

Eva aus Zürich, Banking

"Herzlichen Dank für die tollen Workshops, liebste Nadine und für die neuen Freundschaften. Die Workshops sind immer unglaublich informativ, die Atmosphäre ist der Hammer und die Frauen sind wundervoll. Falls Euch die Themen, wie Selbstentwicklung, Weiblichkeit, feminine Energien interessieren und ihr gerne mehr über diese und ähnliche Themen wissen möchtet und zudem wunderbare, einander unterstützende Frauen kennenlernen möchtet, dann sind die numoon Events definitiv etwas für Euch. Vielen Dank, liebe Nadine, dass es Dich gibt und keep going, you rock!"

numoon circles

The following numoon circles are in the past.

Zitrusfrüchte und Blumen

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