numoon circle II
Wed, Sep 01
|numoon Loft / Found Global Loft
Female communication

Zeit & Ort
Sep 01, 2021, 7:00 PM – Oct 06, 2021, 9:00 PM
numoon Loft / Found Global Loft, Kilchberg ZH / Meilen ZH
Über die Veranstaltung
Non-violent communication - GFK
according to Marshall Rosenberg
For further details, costs and registration please email:
Women are communicative beings. Nevertheless, we reach our limits, especially in conflicts.
Expressing ourselves consciously and responsibly needs to be learned.
In these 6 numoon circles, you will learn the basics of the NVC communication model and practise applying them in your everyday life.
If you want to improve the quality of your relationship with yourself and others, if you are interested in a deeper insight into and greater understanding of your own inner processes, this beginner's course is just right for you.
What are feelings? How do they arise? Why am I solely responsible for what I feel? What are pseudo-feelings? What are basic feelings? What is the connection between my feelings and the underlying needs?
How do I practice active self-empathy? How can I express myself appropriately within a conflict and at the same time stand up for myself?
This six-week group coaching is mainly in English and is organized by Found Global. For a binding registration please contact Amber Mahood: